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The East Area Rapist part 7 - Excitement's Crave, Brian and Katie Maggiore and more.

Welcome back to my seventh entry in my "The East Area Rapist" series. This post details the attacks on victims 26-28, along with various phone calls and notes presumed to be the work of the infamous rapist. Moreover, I am also delving into the murders of Brian and Katie Maggiore. This is my longest post to date, so I hope it provides valuable information and is worth the time-consuming read.
Victim 26
It was Saturday, October 29, 1977, at 1:45 in the morning. A husband woke up to the consistent tapping on his feet. After rolling over the intruder used his flashlight beam to temporarily blind him and said through gritted teeth, Don't move or I'll blow your fucking brains out. I know you have a gun in your drawer somewhere. The husband cooperated with the treats, mentioning his weapon was nearby.
The disturbance woke the wife who was perplexed by the commotion. The trespasser took notice of the situation and threw shoelaces at her commanding to bind her husband's wrists. She was shaking with fear and hysteria and accidentally tied one hand, causing the intruder to lash out in agitation, Bitch! I'll blow your fucking brains out if you try that again!
After suppressing the couple the intruder left the master bedroom to rummage through other areas in the homestead. Minutes later he returned with a much more volatile approach -- accusing the couple of untying each other's bindings. His paranoia was increasing as he forced the wife into the living room with a gun barrel pointed at her back and a knife against her throat.
He proceeded to make the wife lay down on her stomach as he blindfolded her with strips of towels he had cut during his ransacking. The intruder attempted to comfort her by saying, I'm not going to hurt you. I only want money and food for my van. Though she was unable to see, she courageously spoke up saying she hadn't any money on her personally but would write him a check. That statement only perpetuated his irritation further, telling the wife, Shut your fucking mouth!
The intruder then straddled on her back and put his penis into her hands and ordered, Play with it. You better make it good. She tried telling the rapist she had no feeling in her hands due to the lack of circulation, but her plea only caused him to hiss at her, Shut up, or I'll cut off your ears. He changed her positioning and instructed her to suck his penis that was slathered with lotion, which made her sick in the progress.
Thereafter, he continued his abuse and after climaxing, his demeanor transitioned into regret that seemed authentic according to the victim. He began sobbing erratically, hyperventilating and repeating the phrase, I'm sorry, Mom. Mommy, please help me! I don't want to do this, Mommy.
Suddenly, the perpetrator regained his composure and checked upon the husband for an extended period of time. When he returned to the wife he raped her for the second time. Once more, he continued his remorseful plea with a high pitched voice, Mommy, I don't want to do this. Someone, please help me.
Nevertheless, he managed to calm himself down and told the wife, I'm going to watch television. You better keep your fucking mouth shut, bitch. Shortly after, he grabbed dinnerware from the kitchen cabinets and stacked them on the victim's back. Meanwhile, he removed her wedding rings and left the residence. When the husband and wife felt the rapist was finally gone, they undid their bindings and called the authorities.
Noteworthy points
Victim 27
In Sacramento, California on Thursday, November 10, 1977, at 3:30 in the morning, a 56-year-old mother awakened to the sound of her patio glass sliding doors opening from her bedroom. Startled by the sound, she immediately jumped up, but a flashlight beam on her face blinded her. Remarkably, she remained steadfast and undaunted by the intruder's presence and asked, What do you want with me? I'm an old lady.
In a softened manner, the trespasser replied, I'm not going to hurt you. All I want is your money. Lay down on your stomach. She abided but still remained unphased by his tenacity. He soon clasped her hands, wrists, and ankles together. She began complaining that her bindings were too tight, but the masked intruder ignored her quibble and said, Shut up! Do you want me to cut off your fingers? Who else is home? Don't lie to me or I'll slit your throat. She attested her thirteen-year-old daughter was sleeping in a nearby room.
Moments later the intruder crept his way into the daughter's room and started shaking her in order to wake her up. Unaware of her surroundings the teenager said, Leave me alone, assuming it was her mother. She abruptly realized the dire situation when the individual placed his knife against her throat and screaming, This isn't a joke! Roll over and put your hands behind your back.
Though she was frightened, she followed in her mother's bravery and told the intruder no. Her defiance exasperated him resulting in more threats, Do as I say or I'll slit your throat and watch you bleed to death, all the while moving his knife towards the back of her ears and asking, Do you want me to cut off your ear?
With the blackout being lifted nearly a year prior and the coverage this criminal was getting through the media, the young daughter managed to put the puzzle pieces together and realize who the perpetrator was. She responded to his question, relaying her carelessness regarding the empty threat of removing her ear(s).
This surprised the individual, making him momentarily stop with the menacing ultimatums. He eventually gave up and tied her hands together saying, Look, all I want is your money. Where is it? She purposefully lied to him saying she didn't have any. Frustrated by the lack of obedience, he left the teenager's room and resumed his duties on the mother. However, his threats were of no avail as the mother continued behaving unconcerned.
He left once more and retried his onslaught with the teenage daughter. By the time he returned, she had unloosened her bindings around her ankles. The assailant fastened them together again and angrily declared, If you try that again, I will fucking kill your mother.
Thereafter, he proceeded to ransack the home and retrieve dishes from the kitchen to place on the mother's back, indicating she wasn't the prime target for rape. Before leaving her room he intently told her, If I hear these dishes rattle, I'll fucking kill you, bitch. Do you understand? All I want is your money. Do you hear me? The mother ignored his responses, but he continued repeating the same sentences until she finally corresponded. He then went on to mention, I need things for my apartment. My car is parked outside and I'm going back to Los Angeles.
Afterward, he reappeared in the daughter's room, blindfolding and gagging her with strips of towels he had cut during the rummaging. He then squatted down and put his penis into her hands saying, Grab it. Squeeze it. Do you know what this is? She told the assailant no as he asked, Have you ever been fucked before? This time she said she didn't know, confusing the rapist.
He demanded her to roll over, but she declined and asked why. The threats continued spewing from the assailant as he tried explaining what an erection was. After multiple attempts, he was finally able to successfully rape her in a satisfactory fashion. He eventually gave up from this botched attack and returned to the mother who was shivering from the breeze of the opened patio door(s). The rapist took a sleeping bag from the floor and draped it over her for warmth and the said, I'm going to load some groceries from the kitchen and leave. Shockingly, he stayed true to his word and left the home entirely.
Noteworthy points
  • This attack is quite significant because it presents a second occurrence of the women victim(s) gaining the upper hand, albeit slightly. His seventh victim feigned him by showering him with compliments during the rape. This ultimately led him to let his guard down momentarily. With this attack, instead of flattery, the women made a stand and refused to let their inner terror be visible, leading to the intruder's downfall in terms of a successful crime.
  • While it's possible the intruder lived in Los Angeles, California, it's highly unlikely. This attack occurred in Sacramento, which is roughly a six-hour drive. Furthermore, he used this particular phrase often in other areas including Rancho Cordova, Carmichael, Del Dayo and more. In these locations, he would mention to the victim(s) he lived in an apartment a few blocks away.
  • The thirteen-year-old was his youngest victim. She attended a private school and told authorities his penis was approximately five inches long when erect, though she had never seen this male organ, except in books during sexual education class. There is also a minor discrepancy about her attack. Initially, the police believed she was raped, but the teenager and her mother denied it. However, on the recent program "48 Hours," the crimes of The East Area Rapist were covered and the teenager, now older, said she was raped.
  • This attack occurred in a condominium and the kitchen was located upstairs, whereas most of the crimes committed by The East Area Rapist were single story residences with a detached garage.
  • A month prior, the victim had been receiving a plethora of phone calls. When she answered with a customary hello, the person on the other end of the line would immediately hang up.
  • Three days before the sexual assault a note was discovered in the bathroom of a nearby college campus. It read, The East Side Rapist was here. I will rape my first black girl tonight. The dumb cops will never find me. Obviously, it's unknown whether or not this was written by the infamous serial offender. Nonetheless, it's still an intriguing piece of circumstantial evidence if genuine.
  • One day before the assault, a neighbor of victim 27 heard dubious sounds between the time of 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. He described the first sound as something falling against the home of the victim. It's unsure what the second noise was, but he went outside to look around and nothing unusual was in sight.
  • The night of the attack, another neighbor heard sounds of someone meddling with the locks on her glass sliding doors at 12:00 in the morning. This prompted her dog to bark and she turned on the lights. However, nobody was in view. Three hours later another neighbor reported hearing tampering with her locks.
  • During the month of November 1977, a second annual town hall meeting took place in Mira Loma, California. This is significant. It was at these series of meetings where the photos taken of the crowd occurred, ultimately creating a fandom of the individual known as The Puffy Jacket Guy. Many people associate these photos with the first town hall meeting in November 1976, which is a vital misconception.
Victim 28
It was a Friday night on December 2, 1977, in Foothill Farms, California when a wife and mother of two was awakened from her sleep at approximately 11:45 p.m. In the standard formality, the intruder flashed his beam in her eyes and whispered loudly enough for her to hear, Shut up or I'll gag you. If you don't listen, I will kill your little boy.
Needless to say, she cooperated completely with the intruder as he fastened her wrists and ankles together, along with obscuring her vision with a blindfold. He guided her into the family room and removed her underwear, tossing them in the hallway. As he was beginning to gag her, she objected by telling the masked intruder she wouldn't be able to calmly tell her children to go back to bed if they happened upon them.
Meanwhile, the trespasser was having difficulty remaining focused, with his attention being averted to the living room window where he continually peeked through the drapes due to the sound of children playing in the street. This distraction caused him to paranoidly mumble with vexation, You think you're smarter, but I'm smarter than you!
He returned to the constrained mother and stood over her momentarily before rummaging the household. All of a sudden, the individual disappeared into the night and left the family unharmed. The bound mother managed to hop and stumble her way to the phone and call her neighbor, who quickly rushed over to cut loose the bindings and call the police.
Noteworthy points
  • Thirty minutes before the attack emerged, the wife's husband -- an Army Lt. Colonel stationed at Sacramento Army Depot to advise members of the National Guard -- had left home to attend a casino with friends.
  • At 11:00 p.m. a phone call was made to the sheriff's department. Though the message was not recorded, the anonymous person allegedly whispered into the receiver, I'm going to commit another rape tonight.
  • This particular attack may not have involved thorough planning, because of the intruder's lack of knowledge on the mother's children. She had two daughters instead of a boy as the criminal threatened to harm.
  • The victim said she heard a van engine rev up next to her residence when the intruder left. This is an interesting clue since a van had been seen at other crimes in the months beforehand. Furthermore, if her description is accurate, it correlates with the statements made by the perpetrator himself, when telling his victims he was only wanting money and food for his "van."
  • The night of the attack, a sixteen-year-old neighbor saw a beige colored station wagon next to the victim's home. He said the vehicle didn't belong to anyone living nearby, which is why he made note of the car to begin with. Moreover, the windows weren't covered in frost as other cars in the vicinity, indicating the driver had the heater on to defrost the windows. This begs the question, though: Did the victim mishear the vehicle engine she claimed to be a van? Nevertheless, both vehicle models have allegedly been used for previous crimes.
  • No weapon was brought to the crime. If there was, it was not seen by the victim. This is strange because The East Area Rapist typically brought a knife and handgun with him. The victim did say the intruder wore latex gloves that doctors generally use, though this cannot be confirmed because she based this on the feel of the gloves on her skin rather than eyesight.
  • The police questioned the children playing outside when the attack was taking place, but they all said they hadn't heard or seen anything strange.
  • The victim's home had been burglarized on October 27, 1977, while she was away from home visiting a friend, she forgot to lock her door. However, upon her return, it was locked. This understandably confused her and she immediately browsed her home for missing items. She discovered her thermostat was turned off, two photographs of her were stolen and a jar of pickles in her fridge had been readjusted to another shelf.
  • According to Richard Shelby's book, "Hunting a Psychopath," a man by the name of Richard Boren was arrested a few months before this attack occurred that featured many similarities to this aborted crime.
  • The intruder entered the residence through the glass sliding doors from the patio. Interestingly, a few weeks prior her spare key for the front door disappeared from underneath the floor mat. She assumed one of the children had accidentally lost it.
  • Between November 11 - December 1, 1977, the victim was receiving anonymous hang-up phone calls every day after 2:00 p.m.
  • Strange occurrences in the victim's neighborhood started taking place on December 1, 1977. In the afternoon a neighbor of victim 28 spotted a man walking from Woodridge School. She was attending to her garden when the two made eye contact from a considerable distance. He supposedly watched her for a prolonged amount of time before leaving. Shortly thereafter, more people in the community saw a beige colored station wagon parked next to the home of victim 28, which was a common vehicle reported in relation to attacks committed on victims. Later that evening, two women living together had their electricity turned off by somebody unknown.
  • I'm not sure of its validation, but the women who stated their electricity had been turned off had received a phone call seven months prior in May 1977. The caller whispered three times, You are next.
This would be the last known attack committed by The East Area Rapist in 1977. Though no more rapes occurred, the criminal would still have a productive month in December before the new year.
On December 9, 1977, the twenty-first victim(s) received a phone call from a male who remained incognito. The caller had said, Merry Christmas, it's me again! The wife told authorities the voice matched the sound of her rapist earlier that year. It's worth reiterating the husband of this family was the Italian individual who berated Detective Richard Shelby at the first series of town hall meetings in November of 1976.
The following evening on December 10, 1977, dispatchers from Sacramento's Sheriff's Department experienced a strange phone call known as The Watt Avenue Recording at 10:00 p.m. The voice appeared to match the phone call made on December 2, 1977, who stated he was going to rape someone that night. Though a crime was attempted, it was botched due to children frolicking outside in the street.
After the phone call, officers were on high alert surveying Watt Avenue and the surrounding areas with the intention of apprehending the possible rapist if he remained true to his word. Around 2:30 in the morning -- now December 11 -- deputies saw a masked individual riding a bicycle at a high rate of speed on the bridge leading to Watt Avenue. The authorities turned their sirens on and a chase ensued, but the biker managed to elude them.
Two hours later the biker was spotted again by city police in the general vicinity. Once more a pursuit took place, but the perpetrator yet again managed to flee after abandoning the bicycle and running on foot. I'm not sure of its validity, but the bicycle had been reported stolen from Redding, California.
With the day now December 11, 1977, the newspaper publisher, The Sacramento Bee, along with the Mayor and television studio for KVIE 6 TV received a poem by a person claiming to be The East Area Rapist. It's unclear of its authenticity, but it's rather coincidental it's not by the same individual who eluded capture mere hours earlier. The title of the poem is:
Excitement's Crave
  • All those mortal's surviving birth
  • Upon facing maturity,
  • Take inventory of their worth
  • To prevailing society.
  • Choosing values becomes a task;
  • Oneself must seek satisfaction.
  • The selected route will unmask
  • Character when plans take action.
  • Accepting some work to perform
  • At fixed pay, but promises for more,
  • Is a recognized social norm,
  • As is decorum, seeking lore.
  • Achieving while others lifting
  • Should be cause for deserving fame
  • Leisure tempts excitement seeking,
  • What's right and expected seems tame.
  • "Jessie James" has been seen by all,
  • And "Son of Sam" has an author.
  • Others now feel temptations call.
  • Sacramento should make an offer.
  • To make a movie of my life
  • That will pay for my planned exile.
  • Just now I'd like to add the wife
  • Of a Mafia lord to my file.
  • Your East Area Rapist
  • And deserving pest
  • See you in the press or on T.V.
That would be the final form of information regarding The East Area Rapist in 1977. He wouldn't claim his next victim until January 28, 1978. However, on January 2, 1978, he did make two phone calls to his very first rape victim that occurred on June 18, 1976. These phone calls are known as Is Ray There and Gonna Kill You.
Brian and Katie Maggiore
Between the time of 9:00 - 9:15 p.m. on Thursday, February 2, 1978, Brian and Katie Maggiore were taking their poodle dog named Thumper on a leisure stroll through the neighborhood on La Alegria Drive located in Rancho Cordova, California. For all intents and purposes, this locale was typically considered a safe community.
At the time of this horrific tragedy, Brian Maggiore was a twenty-one-year-old Air Force Sergeant who was previously stationed in Alaska. His wife of two years, on the other hand, was twenty years old and living in Fresno, California until her husband transferred to Mather Air Force Base where they would relocate to an apartment at La Verta Court in Rancho Cordova, California.
During their casual walk with Thumper, he somehow managed to get free from their grasp and run off into a backyard nearby. The couple quickly chased after their dog and it's at this point things become slightly muddled in terms of what truly transpired.
Suddenly, a ten-year-old boy in his upstairs bedroom heard the terrifying screams of Brian and Katie Maggiore as they began running away from a masked intruder brandishing a handgun and pursuing them. The couple continued sprinting through the backyard of two neighbors who had a fence damaged on the ground that generally separated the yards.
The gunman fired numerous shots and two of the bullets ultimately struck Brian Maggiore and killed him immediately. A stray bullet damaged a glass window and missed the homeowner, Nicholas Ottlinger by mere inches, who quickly grabbed his wife and threw her down to the floor as they lay down in cover.
The shooter kept up his pace with Katie as she shrieked for help at the top of her lungs. She managed to make it to the front gate of a neighbor's residence before the murder fired another shot that fatally struck her in the head. Her deceased body was obstructing the opening to the fence, so the killer hurled himself over the barrier and started fleeing the scene.
In that process, he encountered a seventeen-year-old named Karl Nollsch who was in his opened garage checking on the commotion outside. The killer turned in another direction with posthaste and ran to the end of the block before removing his mask and rapidly walking in the yards of other residences, trying his best to not attract too much attention.
As he walked along the shrubbery trying to remain out of sight, an unsuspecting vehicle was driving down the block with its headlights on. The shooter quickly jumped behind a tree to diminish the driver's view, staying there momentarily until the vehicle was out of view.
While continuing his escape, he eventually walked across a yard where the homeowner as outside tending to her lawn. According to her testimony, he was wearing a World War II bomber jacket with an insignia that represented the 320th Bomb Group. He used his jacket collar to shield his identity, all the while casually telling her, I guess I must be trespassing. Afterward, he disappeared into the night and has never been apprehended.
Noteworthy points
  • The first thing that needs to be addressed is whether or not these murders were committed by The East Area Rapist. It's a hotly debated topic and I'll try my best to refrain from giving my personal opinion and only detail the facts, theories and lingering questions.
  • The general consensus amongst police officers is that this crime was the work of The East Area Rapist. The main source of evidence is a set of shoelaces found at the crime scene that was tied together in the same fashion and knotting the rapist would use on his victims. While many officers are in agreement, there are still those who consider otherwise.
  • It's worth mentioning that The East Area Rapist did operate in this region. Furthermore, Brian had military connections. This can be slightly affiliated with the MO of the rapist, due to many of his victims having ties to the military or the medical field.
  • The main reason there is many discrepancies surrounding this case is due to witnesses saying they saw two men in the area during the attack. However, what fails to get mentioned more often than not is the actual scenario. For one, they weren't seen together committing the crime. It just so happened that a person similar in stature was walking in the opposite direction from which the shooter ran off from. That doesn't perpetuate two people being the killer(s).
  • Karl Nollsch, the seventeen-year-old that encountered the shooter from his garage said this person was approximately 6 foot and was wearing pointy-toed cowboy boots and a leather jacket with a stain. This was not the typical attire The East Area Rapist wore, nor is his height a match. However, he did have the appropriate weight, body stature and appeared to be in his early twenties. Moreover, the validity of two separate statements needs to be considered. The woman tending to her lawn said the man's jacket had an insignia. Is it possible the seventeen-year-old mistook the emblem for a stain, or vice versa (that or the teenager and woman didn't recognize one or the other)? With that being said, it seemingly points to the shooter not being the notorious rapist.
  • In regards of the other male walking in the opposite direction, the general overlay is this individual appeared to have more similarities in terms of clothing, height and weight to The East Area Rapist than the mysterious man Karl Nollsch reported witnessing.
  • In part four of my series, I posted photos of the suspect(s) seen during the crime, along with newspaper clippings detailing the event. I will repost them here for quick accessibility. You can view one of the original newspaper clippings here briefly describing the tragedy. A revised update was eventually made on one of the suspects. Moreover, the revised composite sketch was mentioned in another clipping accessible here. Finally, a little more insight can be gleaned from this brief newspaper article written by staff writer, Paul Mapes.
  • Brian and Katie Maggiore's dog, Thumper, was found in a neighbor's pool shivering from the cold and fear. From what I have gathered, he survived.
  • Prior to the murders, Katie had supposedly been receiving tedious prank phone calls, not only at her home but her occupation as well at Regal Gas Station. Apparently, there are two gas stations with the same name in the general area, because on one occasion the caller told Katie, I'm the person who raped two women in a Regal Gas Station and you're my next victim. You can view the discussion on the proboards and on this WordPress blog. From an excerpt in Richard Shelby's book, "Hunting a Psychopath," he says in chapter 50, Katie had been the victim of crank phone calls and may have been the target of a stalker. The crank phone caller told her he was the one who raped two women in a Regal gas station, and she would be next. Any more information about this possible stalking, or what may have occurred while in Fresno, has not been made public.
  • There are many questions still left unanswered regarding this crime. One of which is why? The leading assumption is that during the chase for Thumper, Brian and Katie stumbled upon their soon to be murderer. If this person is The East Area Rapist, what exactly prompted him to spontaneously react to killing them? It's hard to comprehend, primarily because the rapist had many alleged close calls, especially in the midst of his stalking the day time, yet he never eliminated other witnesses. The most viable reason would be that the couple encountered him without his mask fully on and they knew him personally or well enough to give police a proper name to identify the suspect.
  • Then again, why murder Brian and Katie Maggiore and not Karl Nollsch, who practically faced to face with the perpetrator? Was he out of ammunition with the many shots he fired upon the couple?
  • Another question that is confusing is how did the shoelaces end up at the crime scene if the shooter is not The East Area Rapist? Assuming the shooter was him, the obvious conclusion is that the shoelaces fell out of his pocket during the chase. Either that or he deliberately threw them on the ground to leave his trademark calling card.
  • If this was the work of The East Area Rapist, the murder of Brian and Katie Maggiore would officially be his first two kills (maybe third if he's also the Visalia Ransacker who shot and murdered Claude Snelling).
  • There are a few conclusions that can be theorized with this case, all of which are equally terrifying. One) The shooter was The East Area Rapist or he wasn't. The shooter was wearing attire not generally associated with the rapist. Two) The rapist had an accomplice. Three) The shooter wasn't The East Area Rapist, but the other individual in the composite sketch was, and both men were separately acting on their own behalf in the same neighborhood coincidentally.
  • On a final note, I want to share a photo of Brian and Katie Maggiore before their senseless demise. These two people, including ten other people who were met with a similar fate, once had very happy and fulfilling lives with plans for their future. Their lives should not solely be remembered only by their death, but for who they were as individuals. These pictures hopefully provide just that.
This now concludes part seven. Thank you for taking the time to read this very lengthy entry. You all give me the motivation to continue this series. I've never had an "audience" before who look forward to my posts and check this subreddit to see if I have posted another submission. Because of that, I feel as if it's my responsibility to please those who read these entries, as well as spreading the word on the infamous serial rapist and killer.
The Visalia Ransacker part 1
The Visalia Ransacker part 2
The East Area Rapist part 3
The East Area Rapist part 4
The East Area Rapist part 5
The East Area Rapist part 6
The Quester Files
Cold Case EAONS
submitted by Nerdfather1 to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

The East Area Rapist part 7

Welcome back to my seventh entry in my "The East Area Rapist" series. This post details the attacks on victims 26-28, along with various phone calls and notes presumed to be the work of the infamous rapist. Moreover, I am also delving into the murders of Brian and Katie Maggiore. This is my longest post to date, so I hope it provides valuable information and is worth the time consuming read.
Victim 26
It was Saturday, October 29, 1977 at 1:45 in the morning. A husband woke up to the consistent tapping on his feet. After rolling over the intruder used his flashlight beam to temporarily blind him and said in gritted teeth, Don't move or I'll blow your fucking brains out. I know you have a gun in your drawer somewhere. The husband cooperated with the treats, mentioning his weapon was nearby.
The disturbance awoke the wife who was perplexed by the commotion. The trespasser took notice of the situation and threw shoelaces at her commanding to bind her husband's wrists. She was shaking with fear and hysteria and accidentally tied one hand, causing the intruder to lash out in agitation, Bitch! I'll blow your fucking brains out if you try that again!
After suppressing the couple the intruder left the master bedroom to rummage through other areas in the homestead. Minutes later he returned with a much more volatile approach -- accusing the couple of untying each other's bindings. His paranoia was increasing as he forced the wife into the living room with a gun barrel pointed at her back and a knife against her throat.
He proceeded to make the wife lay down on her stomach as he blindfolded her with strips of towels he had cut during his ransacking. The intruder attempted to feign her by saying, I'm not going to hurt you. I only want money and food for my van. Though she was unable to see, she courageously spoke up saying she hadn't any money on her personally, but would write him a check. That statement only perpetuated his irritation further, telling the wife, Shut your fucking mouth!
The intruder then straddled on her back and put his penis into her hands and ordered, Play with it. You better make it good. She tried telling the rapist she had no feeling in her hands due to the lack of circulation, but her plea only caused him to hiss at her, Shut up, or I'll cut off your ears. He changed her positioning and instructed her to suck his penis that was lathered with lotion, which made her sick in the progress.
Thereafter, he continued his abuse and after climaxing, his demeanor transitioned into regret that seemed authentic according to the victim. He began sobbing erratically, hyperventilating and repeating the phrase, I'm sorry, Mom. Mommy, please help me! I don't want to do this, Mommy.
Suddenly, the perpetrator regained his composure and checked upon the husband for an extended period of time. When he returned to the wife he raped her for a second time. Once more, he continued his remorseful plea with a high pitched voice, Mommy, I don't want to do this. Someone please help me.
Nevertheless, he managed to calm himself down and told the wife, I'm going to watch television. You better keep your fucking mouth shut, bitch. Shortly after, he grabbed dinnerware from the kitchen cabinets and stacked them on the victim's back. Meanwhile, he removed her wedding rings and left the residence. When the husband and wife felt the rapist was finally gone, they undid their bindings and called the authorities.
Interesting things that are noteworthy
Victim 27
In Sacramento, California on Thursday, November 10, 1977 at 3:30 in the morning, a 56 year old mother awakened to the sound of her patio glass sliding doors opening from her bedroom. Startled by the resound, she immediately jumped up, but a flashlight beam on her face blinded her. Remarkably, she remained steadfast and undaunted by the intruder's presence and asked, What do you want with me? I'm an old lady.
In a softened manner the trespasser replied, I'm not going to hurt you. All I want is your money. Lay down on your stomach. She abided but still remained unphased by his tenacity. He soon clasped her hands, wrists and ankles together. She began complaining that her binds were too tight, but the masked intruder ignored her quibble and said, Shut up! Do you want me to cut off your fingers? Who else is home? Don't lie to me or I'll slit your throat. She attested her thirteen year old daughter was sleeping in a nearby room.
Moments later the intruder crept his way into the daughter's room and started shaking her in order to wake her up. Unaware of her surroundings the teenager said, Leave me alone, assuming it was her mother. She abruptly realized the dire situation when the individual placed his knife against her throat and screaming, This isn't a joke! Roll over and put your hands behind your back.
Though she was frightened, she followed in her mother's bravery and told the intruder no. Her defiance exasperated him resulting in more threats, Do as I say or I'll slit your throat and watch you bleed to death, all the while moving his knife towards the back of her ears and asking, Do you want me to cut off your ear?
With the blackout being lifted nearly a year prior and the coverage this criminal was getting through the media, the young daughter managed to put the puzzle pieces together and realize who the perpetrator was. She responded to his question, relaying her carelessness regarding the empty threat of removing her ear(s).
This surprised the individual, making him momentarily stop with the menacing ultimatums. He eventually gave up and tied her hands together saying, Look, all I want is your money. Where is it? She purposefully lied to him saying she didn't have any. Frustrated by the lack of obedience, he left the teenager's room and resumed his duties on the mother. However, his threats were of no avail as the mother continued behaving unconcerned.
He left once more and retried his onslaught with the teenage daughter. By the time he returned, she had unloosened her bindings around her ankles. The assailant fastened them together again and angrily declared, If you try that again, I will fucking kill your mother.
Thereafter, he proceeded to ransack the home and retrieve dishes from the kitchen to place on the mother's back, indicating she wasn't the prime target for rape. Before leaving her room he intently told her, If I hear these dishes rattle, I'll fucking kill you, bitch. Do you understand? All I want is your money. Do you hear me? The mother ignored his responses, but he continued repeating the same sentences until she finally corresponded. He then went on to mention, I need things for my apartment. My car is parked outside and I'm going back to Los Angeles.
Afterwards, he reappeared in the daughter's room, blindfolding and gagging her with strips of towels he had cut during the rummaging. He then squatted down and put his penis into her hands saying, Grab it. Squeeze it. Do you know what this is? She told the assailant no as he asked, Have you ever been fucked before? This time she said she didn't know, confusing the rapist.
He demanded her to roll over, but she declined and asked why. The threats continued spewing from the assailant as he tried explaining what an erection was. After multiple attempts, he was finally able to successfully rape her in a satisfactory fashion. He eventually gave up from this botched attack and returned to the mother who was shivering from the breeze of the opened patio door(s). The rapist took a sleeping bag from the floor and draped it over her for warmth and the said, I'm going to load some groceries from the kitchen and leave. Shockingly, he stayed true to his word and left the home entirely.
Interesting things that are noteworthy
  • This attack is quite significant, because it presents a second occurrence of the women victim(s) gaining the upperhand, albeit slightly. His seventh victim feigned him by showering him with compliments during the rape. This ultimately led him to let his guard down momentarily. With this attack, instead of flattery, the women made a stand and refused to let their inner terror be visible, leading to the intruder's downfall in terms of a successful crime.
  • While it's possible the intruder lived in Los Angeles, California, it's highly unlikely. This attack occurred in Sacramento, which is roughly a six hour drive. Furthermore, he used this particular phrase often in other areas including Rancho Cordova, Carmichael, Del Dayo and more. In these locations he would mention to the victim(s) he lived in an apartment a few blocks away.
  • The thirteen year old was his youngest victim. She attended a private school and told authorities his penis was approximately five inches long when erect, though she had never seen this male organ, except in books during sexual education class. There is also a minor discrepancy about her attack. Initially, the police believed she was raped, but the teenager and her mother denied it. However, on the recent program "48 Hours," the crimes of The East Area Rapist were covered and the teenager, now older, said she was raped.
  • This attack occurred in a condominium and the kitchen was located upstairs, whereas most of the crimes committed by The East Area Rapist were single story residences with a detached garage.
  • A month prior, the victim had been receiving a plethora of phone calls. When she answered with a customary hello, the person on the other end of the line would immediately hang up.
  • Three days before the sexual assault a note was discovered in the bathroom of a nearby college campus. It read, The East Side Rapist was here. I will rape my first black girl tonight. The dumb cops will never find me. Obviously, it's unknown whether or not this was written by the infamous serial offender. Nonetheless, it's still an intriguing piece of circumstantial evidence if genuine.
  • One day before the assault, a neighbor of victim 27 heard dubious sounds between the time of 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. He described the first sound as something falling against the home of the victim. It's unsure what the second noise was, but he went outside to look around and nothing unusual was in sight.
  • The night of the attack, another neighbor heard sounds of someone meddling with the locks on her glass sliding doors at 12:00 in the morning. This prompted her dog to bark and she turned on the lights. However, nobody was in view. Three hours later another neighbor reported hearing tampering with her locks.
  • During the month of November, 1977, a second annual town hall meeting took place in Mira Loma, California. This is significant. It was at these series of meetings where the photos taken of the crowd occurred, ultimately creating a fandom of the individual known as The Puffy Jacket Guy. Many people associate these photos with the first town hall meeting in November, 1976, which is a vital misconception.
Victim 28
It was a Friday night on December 2, 1977 in Foothill Farms, California when a wife and mother of two was awakened from her sleep at approximately 11:45 p.m. In typical formality, the intruder flashed his beam in her eyes and whispered loudly enough for her to hear, Shut up or I'll gag you. If you don't listen, I will kill your little boy.
Needless to say she cooperated completely with the intruder as he fastened her wrists and ankles together, along with obscuring her vision with a blindfold. He guided her into the family room and removed her underwear, tossing them in the hallway. As he was beginning to gag her, she objected by telling the masked intruder she wouldn't be able to calmly tell her children to go back to bed if they happened upon them.
Meanwhile, the trespasser was having difficulty remaining focused, with his attention being averted to the living room window where he continually peeked through the drapes due to the sound of children playing in the street. This distraction caused him to paranoidly mumble with vexation, You think you're smarter, but I'm smarter than you!
He returned to the constrained mother and stood over her momentarily before rummaging the household. All of a sudden, the individual disappeared into the night and left the family unharmed. The bound mother managed to hop and stumble her way to the phone and call her neighbor, who quickly rushed over to cut loose the bindings and call police.
Interesting things that are noteworthy
  • Thirty minutes before the attack emerged, the wife's husband -- an Army Lt. Colonel stationed at Sacramento Army Depot to advise members of the National Guard -- had left home to attend a casino with friends.
  • At 11:00 p.m. a phone call was made to the sheriff's department. Though the message was not recorded, the anonymous person allegedly whispered into the receiver, I'm going to commit another rape tonight.
  • This particular attack may not have involved thorough planning, because of the intruder's lack of knowledge on the mother's children. She had two daughters instead of a boy as the criminal threatened to harm.
  • The victim said she heard a van engine rev up next to her residence when the intruder left. This is an interesting clue, since a van had been seen at other crimes in the months beforehand. Furthermore, if her description is accurate, it correlates with the statements made by the perpetrator himself, when telling his victims he was only wanting money and food for his "van."
  • The night of the attack, a sixteen year old neighbor saw a beige colored station wagon next to the victim's home. He said the vehicle didn't belong to anyone living nearby, which is why he made note of the car to begin with. Moreover, the windows weren't covered in frost as other cars in the vicinity, indicating the driver had the heater on to defrost the windows. This begs the question, though: Did the victim mishear the vehicle engine she claimed to be a van? Nevertheless, both vehicle models have allegedly been used at previous crimes.
  • No weapon was brought to the crime. If there was, it was not seen by the victim. This is strange, because The East Area Rapist typically brought a knife and handgun with him. The victim did say the intruder wore latex gloves that doctors generally use, though this cannot be confirmed because she based this on the feel of the gloves on her skin rather than eyesight.
  • The police questioned the children playing outside when the attack was taking place, but they all said they hadn't heard or seen anything strange.
  • The victim's home had been burglarized on October 27, 1977, while she was away from home visiting a friend, she forgot to lock her door. However, upon her return it was locked. This understandably confused her and she immediately browsed her home for missing items. She discovered her thermostat was turned off, two photographs of her were stolen and a jar of pickles in her fridge had been readjusted to another shelf.
  • According to Richard Shelby's book, "Hunting a Psychopath," a man by the name of Richard Boren was arrested a few months before this attack occurred that featured many similarities to this aborted crime.
  • The intruder entered the residence through the glass sliding doors from the patio. Interestingly, a few weeks prior her spare key for the front door disappeared from underneath the floormat. She assumed one of the children had accidentally lost it.
  • Between November 11 - December 1, 1977, the victim was receiving anonymous hang up phone calls every day after 2:00 p.m.
  • Strange occurrences in the victim's neighborhood started taking place on December 1, 1977. In the afternoon a neighbor of victim 28 spotted a man walking from Woodridge School. She was attending to her garden when the two made eye contact from a considerable distance. He supposedly watched her for a prolonged amount of time before leaving. Shortly thereafter, more people in the community saw a beige colored station wagon parked next to the home of victim 28, which was a common vehicle reported in relation to attacks committed on victims. Later that evening, two women living together had their electricity turned off by somebody unknown.
  • I'm not sure of its validation, but the women who stated their electricity had been turned off had received a phone call seven months prior in May, 1977. The caller whispered three times, You are next.
This would be the last known attack committed by The East Area Rapist in 1977. Though no more rapes occurred, the criminal would still have a productive month in December before the new year.
On December 9, 1977, the twenty-first victim(s) received a phone call by a male who remained incognito. The caller had said, Merry Christmas, it's me again! The wife told authorities the voice matched the sound of her rapist earlier that year. It's worth reiterating the husband of this family was the Italian individual who berated Detective Richard Shelby at the first series of town hall meetings in November of 1976.
The following evening on December 10, 1977, dispatchers from Sacramento's Sheriff's Department experienced a strange phone call known as The Watt Avenue Recording at 10:00 p.m. The voice appeared to match the phone call made on December 2, 1977, who stated he was going to rape someone that night. Though a crime was attempted, it was botched due to children frolicking outside in the street.
After the phone call, officers were on high alert surveying Watt Avenue and the surrounding areas with the intention of apprehending the possible rapist if he remained truthful to his word. Around 2:30 in the morning -- now December 11 -- deputies saw a masked individual riding a bicycle at a high rate of speed on the bridge leading to Watt Avenue. The authorities turned their sirens on and a chase ensued, but the biker managed to elude them.
Two hours later the biker was spotted again by city police in the general vicinity. Once more a pursuit took place, but the perpetrator yet again managed to flee after abandoning the bicycle and running on foot. I'm not sure of its validity, but the bicycle had been reported stolen from Redding, California.
With the day now being December 11, 1977, the newspaper publisher, The Sacramento Bee, along with the Mayor and television studio for KVIE 6 TV received a poem by a person claiming to be The East Area Rapist. It's unclear of its authenticity, but it's rather coincidental it's not by the same individual who eluded capture mere hours earlier. The title of the poem is:
Excitement's Crave
  • All those mortal's surviving birth
  • Upon facing maturity,
  • Take inventory of their worth
  • To prevailing society.
  • Choosing values becomes a task;
  • Oneself must seek satisfaction.
  • The selected route will unmask
  • Character when plans take action.
  • Accepting some work to perform
  • At fixed pay, but promises for more,
  • Is a recognized social norm,
  • As is decorum, seeking lore.
  • Achieving while others lifting
  • Should be cause for deserving fame
  • Leisure tempts excitement seeking,
  • What's right and expected seems tame.
  • "Jessie James" has been seen by all,
  • And "Son of Sam" has an author.
  • Others now feel temptations call.
  • Sacramento should make an offer.
  • To make a movie of my life
  • That will pay for my planned exile.
  • Just now I'd like to add the wife
  • Of a Mafia lord to my file.
  • Your East Area Rapist
  • And deserving pest
  • See you in the press or on T.V.
That would be the final form of information regarding The East Area Rapist in 1977. He wouldn't claim his next victim until January 28, 1978. However, on January 2, 1978, he did make two phone calls to his very first rape victim that occurred on June 18, 1976. These phone calls are known as Is Ray There and Gonna Kill You.
Brian and Katie Maggiore
Between the time of 9:00 - 9:15 p.m. on Thursday, February 2, 1978, Brian and Katie Maggiore were taking their poodle dog named Thumper on a leisure stroll through the neighborhood on La Alegria Drive located in Rancho Cordova, California. For all intents and purposes, this locale was typically considered a safe community.
At the time of this horrific tragedy, Brian Maggiore was a twenty-one year old Air Force Sergeant who was previously stationed in Alaska. His wife of two years on the other hand was twenty years old and living in Fresno, California until her husband transferred to Mather Air Force Base where they would relocate to an apartment at La Verta Court in Rancho Cordova, California.
During their casual walk with Thumper he somehow manage to get free from their grasp and run off into a backyard nearby. The couple quickly chased after their dog and it's at this point things become slightly muddled in terms of what truly transpired.
Suddenly, a ten year old boy in his upstairs bedroom heard the terrifying screams of Brian and Katie Maggiore as they began running away from a masked intruder brandishing a handgun and pursuing them. The couple continued sprinting through the backyard of two neighbors who had a fence damaged on the ground that generally separated the yards.
The gunman fired numerous shots and two of the bullets ultimately struck Brian Maggiore and killed him immediately. A stray bullet damaged a glass window and missed the homeowner, Nicholas Ottlinger by mere inches, who quickly grabbed his wife and threw her down to the floor as they lay down in cover.
The shooter kept up his pace with Katie as she shrieked for help at the top of her lungs. She managed to make it to the front gate of a neighbor's residence before the murder fired another shot that fatally struck her in the head. Her deceased body was obstructing the opening to the fence, so the killer hurled himself over the barrier and started fleeing the scene.
In that process he encountered a seventeen year old named Karl Nollsch who was in his opened garage checking on the commotion outside. The killer turned in another direction with posthaste and ran to the end of the block before removing his mask and rapidly walking in the yards of other residences, trying his best to not attract too much attention.
As he walked along the shrubbery trying to remain out of sight, an unsuspecting vehicle was driving down the block with its headlights on. The shooter quickly jumped behind a tree to diminish the driver's view, staying their momentarily until the vehicle was out of view.
While continuing his escape, he eventually walked across a yard where the homeowner as outside tending to her lawn. According to her testimony, he was wearing a World War II bomber jacket with an insignia that represented the 320th Bomb Group. He used his jacket collar to shield his identity, all the while casually telling her, I guess I must be trespassing. Afterwards, he disappeared into the night and has never been apprehended.
Interesting things that are noteworthy
  • The first thing that needs to be addressed is whether or not these murders were committed by The East Area Rapist. It's a hotly debated topic and I'll try my best to refrain from giving my personal opinion and only detail the facts, theories and lingering questions.
  • The general consensus amongst police officers is that this crime was the work of The East Area Rapist. The main source of evidence is a set of shoelaces found at the crime scene that were tied together in the same fashion and knotting the rapist would use on his victims. While many officers are in agreement, there are still those who consider otherwise.
  • It's worth mentioning that The East Area Rapist did operate in this region. Furthermore, Brian had military connections. This can be slightly affiliated with the MO of the rapist, due to many of his victims having ties to military or the medical field.
  • The main reason there is much discrepancy surrounding this case is due to witnesses saying they saw two men in the area during the attack. However, what fails to get mentioned more often than not is the actual scenario. For one, they weren't seen together committing the crime. It just so happened that a person similar in stature was walking in the opposite direction from which the shooter ran off from. That doesn't perpetuate two people being the killer(s).
  • Karl Nollsch, the seventeen year old that encountered the shooter from his garage said this person was approximately 6 foot and was wearing pointy-toed cowboy boots and a leather jacket with a stain. This was not the typical attire The East Area Rapist wore, nor is his height a match. However, he did have the appropriate weight, body stature and appeared to be in his early twenties. Moreover, the validity of two separate statements needs to be considered. The woman tending to her lawn said the man's jacket had an insignia. Is it possible the seventeen year old mistook the emblem for a stain, or vice versa (that or the teenager and woman didn't recognize one or the other)? With that being said, it seemingly points to the shooter not being the notorious rapist.
  • In regards of the other male walking in the opposite direction, the general overlay is this individual appeared to have more similarities in terms of clothing, height and weight to The East Area Rapist than the mysterious man Karl Nollsch reported witnessing.
  • In part four of my series, I posted photos of the suspect(s) seen during the crime, along with newspaper clippings detailing the event. I will repost them here for quicker accessibility. You can view one of the original newspaper clippings here briefly describing the tragedy. A revised update was eventually made on one of the suspects. Moreover, the revised composite sketch was mentioned in another clipping accessible here. Finally, a little more insight can be gleaned from this brief newspaper article written by staff writer, Paul Mapes.
  • Brian and Katie Maggiore's dog, Thumper, was found in a neighbor's pool shivering from the cold and fear. From what I have gathered, he survived.
  • Prior to the murders, Katie had supposedly been receiving tedious prank phone calls, not only at her home but her occupation as well at Regal Gas Station. Apparently there are two gas stations with the same name in the general area, because on one occasion the caller told Katie, I'm the person who raped two women in a Regal Gas Station and you're my next victim. You can view the discussion on the proboards and on this wordpress blog. From an excerpt in Richard Shelby's book, "Hunting a Psychopath," he says in chapter 50, Katie had been the victim of crank phone calls, and may have been the target of a stalker. The crank phone caller told her he was the one who raped two women in a Regal gas station, and she would be next. Any more information about this possible stalking, or what may have occurred while in Fresno, has not been made public.
  • There are many questions still left unanswered regarding this crime. One of which is why? The leading assumption is that during the chase for Thumper, Brian and Katie stumbled upon their soon to be murderer. If this person is The East Area Rapist, what exactly prompted him to spontaneously react to killing them? It's hard to comprehend, primarily because the rapist had many alleged close calls, especially in the midst of his stalking the day time, yet he never eliminated other witnesses. The most viable reason would be that the couple encountered him without his mask fully on and they knew him personally or well enough to give police a proper name to identify the suspect.
  • Then again, why murder Brian and Katie Maggiore and not Karl Nollsch, who was practically face to face with the perpetrator? Was he out of ammunition with the many shots he fired upon the couple?
  • Another question that is confusing is how did the shoelaces end up at the crime scene if the shooter is not The East Area Rapist? Assuming the shooter was him, the obvious conclusion is that the shoelaces fell out of his pocket during the chase. Either that or he deliberately threw them on the ground to leave his trademark calling card.
  • If this was the work of The East Area Rapist, the murder of Brian and Katie Maggiore would officially be his first two kills (maybe third if the he's also the Visalia Ransacker who shot and murdered Claude Snelling).
  • There are a few conclusions that can be theorized with this case, all of which are equally terrifying. One) The shooter was The East Area Rapist or he wasn't. The shooter was wearing attire not generally associated with the rapist. Two) The rapist had an accomplice. Three) The shooter wasn't The East Area Rapist, but the other individual in the composite sketch was, and both men were separately acting on their own behalf in the same neighborhood coincidentally.
  • On a final note, I want to share a photo of Brian and Katie Maggiore before their senseless demise. These two people, including ten other people who were met with a similar fate, once had a very happy and fulfilling lives with plans for their future. Their lives should not solely be remembered only by their death, but for who they were as individuals. These pictures hopefully provide just that.
This now concludes part seven. Thank you for taking the time to read this very lengthy entry. You all give me motivation to continue this series. I've never had an "audience" before who look forward to my posts and check this subreddit to see if I have posted another submission. Because of that, I feel as if it's my responsibility to please those who read these entries, as well as spreading the word on the infamous serial rapist and killer.
The Visalia Ransacker part 1
The Visalia Ransacker part 2
The East Area Rapist part 3
The East Area Rapist part 4
The East Area Rapist part 5
The East Area Rapist part 6
The Quester Files
Cold Case EAONS
submitted by Nerdfather1 to EARONS [link] [comments]

Omaha Events for the Week of May 21st

I'm trying to keep this a regularly occurring thing and will edit/update it as needed but, be warned, it is a lot of work to generate this. So if I don't get it out some weeks just know that I didn't find the time for it.

Omaha events for the week of May 7th

Saturday, May 20

Event Time Location Info
Basic Adult Primal Defense 9 AM 88 Tactical, 15350 Shepard St
Great Strides - Cystic Fibrosis Walk 9:30 AM Aksarben Village, 1920 S 67th St
Spring Garden Volunteer Day 10 AM Big Garden, 5602 Read St
Deer Park Family Fun Day 2017 10 AM Vinton Street Business District
Sculpture Dance 11 AM Union for Contemporary Art, 2423 N 24th St
Hypertension 13 11 AM Hotel RL, 3321 S 72nd St Smash Bros. Tournament,
2nd Annual Omaha Food Truck Rodeo Part 1 11 AM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave All day event
Populist Party Foundational Meeting 12 PM Omaha Public Library, 215 S 15th St Start a new political party!
The Artist Jam 12 PM Krypton Comics, 2819 S 125th Ave, Ste 261
Destiny Organized Play Tournament 12 PM Sparta Games, 3352 N 108th St Star Wars game tournament
Veg Speed Date Omaha 4 PM WineStyles, 1006 S 74th Plz
MOXIE 6 PM Omaha Performing Arts, 1200 Douglas St
Kurt Crandall w/The Confessors 7 PM Bogie’s Bar & Grill, 14334 U St
The Beat Seekers "Battle Cry For A Declaration" CD Release Party 8 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $10
The Dear Hunter w/ Fontenelle 8:30 PM Slowdown, 729 N 14th St $23
More Than Blood W/ Black Sky Burning, From The Arc, Those Guys 9 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St $7
Elevate Dance Party 9 PM Bar 415, 415 S 13th St
Sinners N Saints 9 PM Chrome Lounge, 8552 Park Dr
Sleeping Jesus // Ojai // Josh Watson 9 PM Barley Street Tavern, 2735 N 62nd St $5, 21+
Druids, Montee Men, Jump the Tiger 9 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd
Maiden Voyage w/ Silence Is Madness 9 PM Shamrocks, 5338 N 103rd S
Benson Soul Society 9 PM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave 21+
Grass Bandit w/ Earthbound & Down and Ben Balmer 9:30 PM The Down Under Lounge, 3530 Leavenworth St 21+

Sunday, May 21

Event Time Location Info
Omaha Farmers Market 9 AM Aksarben Village, 1920 S 67th St
NE Concealed Carry Certification 9:30 AM Scheels, 17202 Davenport St
Midtown Crossing Car Show 10 AM Turner Park, 3110 Farnam St
West Omaha PubCrawl 10:30 AM Original Draught House, 12411 W Center Rd
Get to know Omaha's new Imam! 12 PM First United Methodist Church, 7020 Cass St
Maiden Voyage Poker Run XV 12 PM Dillon Brothers, 3840 N 174th Ave
The Green Spot Meet & Greet 1 PM Green Spot, 1110 S 71st St, Ste K
American Vignettes 2 PM Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge St
Pints and Paws Pub Crawl 2 PM Infusion Brewing Company, 6115 Maple St
Juke Butter 6 PM Love’s Jazz & Art Center, 2510 N 24th St
Bleachers w/ Flor 8 PM Slowdown, 729 N 14th St
Ballyhoo! with The Holdup & Darenots 8 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St $15
Mr. Gay Omaha Contest 9 PM The Max, 1417 Jackson St

Monday, May 22

Event Time Location Info
Extremism in America 10 AM Jewish Community Center, 333 S 132nd St
18th Annual Millard Rotary Golf Scramble 11 AM Oak Hills Country Club, 12325 Golfing Green Dr
Children's Charity Golf Classic 11 AM Champions Run, 13800 Eagle Run Dr
Life Size Beer Pong Tournament 6 PM Infusion Brewing Company, 6271 S 118th St $10/team
Using Coupons for Savings 7 PM South Omaha Public Library, 2808 Q St
Romero w/ Silence is Madness 8 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $7
Stand Up Comedy w/ Zach Pugh (L.A.) 9 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $5

Tuesday, May 23

Event Time Location Info
History and Appreciation of Antiques: Soft Paste Porcelain 9:30 AM Douglas County Historical Society, 5730 N 30th St, #11B
Outdoor Bootcamp 5:30 PM Lewis and Clark Landing, 345 Riverfront Dr
Populace Gathering 6:30 PM Elmwood Park, 808 S 60th St Local SCA
Leav/e/arth, Words Like Daggers 7 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $10
Omaha Gives! Kickoff Concert featuring Frontier Strings 7 PM Omaha Conservatory of Music, 7023 Cass St
Yoga for Well-Being 7:30 PM Omaha Public Library, 13214 Westwood Ln Bring a yoga mat
Andrew Bailie 8 PM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave $10
Art Angels: Mint Wad Willy, Wrong Pets, Uh Oh, Dead Bob Ross 8 PM Burke’s Pub, 6117 Maple St Part of Omaha Gives
Against the Grain / Cordial Spew / Beryllium Takeover / Nautilus 8 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $7
Softball Game 8:30 PM Kelley Softball Fields, 124th & Fort St
Lung ~ Crybaby ~ The Natural States 9 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd $5, 21+

Wednesday, May 24

Event Time Location Info
Omaha Gives Events All day Across the metro area
Memorial Day Flag Project 9 AM Westlawn-Hillcrest Cemetary, 58th & Center [email protected]
Food Pantry Boxing Night 6 PM Benson Baptist Food Pantry, 6319 Maple St
Boss' Daughter, Wolves x4, Liar Wire, Bummertown 7 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $7
Collaborative Screening: Citizen Jane: Battle for the City 7 PM Film Streams, 1340 Mike Fahey St
PWP's 12th Anniversary Spectacular 7 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St Pro-wrestling
The 402 Presents: Blues Ed Concert 7 PM (402) Arts Collective, 6051 Maple St
Annual Spring Concert of the Heartlight Choir and Why Arts? 7 PM Midtown Crossing
HeartMath with Penny Kowal 7 PM Tomato Tomato, 2634 S 156th Cir $25
SoMo: The Answers Tour with Axcess at Sokol Auditorium 8 PM Sokol Auditorium and Underground, 2234 S 13th St $26
Cool Ghouls (BurgeEmpty Cellar) / Those Far Out Arrows 9 PM Brothers Lounge, 3812 Farnam St $5, 21+
A Low Dough Weekly Comedy Show 9 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $3, 18+

Thursday, May 25

Event Time Location Info
Bike Night with Banjo Loco 1 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St 21+
Millennials: Own Your Business! 1 PM FranNet of the Heartland, 12020 Shamrock Plz, Ste 105
Outdoor Bootcamp 5:30 PM Lewis and Clark Landing, 345 Riverfront Dr
Big East Tournament Day 1 5:30 PM TD Ameritrade Park Baseball
Activist Happy Hour 5:30 PM Pageturners Lounge, 5004 Dodge St
Chris Antonik 6 PM Chrome Lounge, 8552 Park Dr
Hometown Heroes Event - Salute to Summer Festival 6 PM 8116 Parkview Blvd, La Vista
Basic Active Killer Response 6 PM 88 Tactical, 15350 Shepard St
DCDP Central Committee Meeting 7 PM CWA Hall 1920 S 44th St Douglas County Democratic Party Meeting
Omaha Improv Fest 7 PM Backline, 1618 Harney St
May Pedal Happy Potluck! 7 PM Omaha Bicycle Co, 6015 Maple St
Skyloft Concert 7 PM (402) Arts Collective, 6051 Maple St $8
Superman's Hero 7 PM OutrSpaces, 528 S 24th St $5
Nic Dean 7:30 PM Funny Bone, 168th & Dodge
Karaoke 8 PM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave 21+
Vox Combo, Vernon John, Pat Gehrman 9 PM The Down Under Lounge, 3530 Leavenworth St
Mic Check Showcase 6 10 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St $12

Friday, May 26

Event Time Location Info
9th Annual Memorial Day Commemoration 2PM VA Hospital, 4101 Woolworth Ave
La Vista Salute to Summer Festival 2 PM La Vista Central Park
Gifford Park Neighborhood Market 5 PM 33rd & California
Loessfest 6:30 PM Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge
Big East Tournament Day 2 5:30 PM TD Ameritrade Park Baseball
Turner Park Night Market 6 PM Midtown Crossing @ Turner Park
Memorial Day Kubat Pharmacy Omaha Adult Open 6 PM Koch Tennis Center, 12440 W Maple Rd Tennis tournament
Dynasty Combat Sports: The Warriors Tribute 6:30 PM Ralston Arena
Star Trek: Attack Wing – Drive 6:30 PM Game Shoppe, 4014 N 144th St Tournament, $5
Live Music Series feat. Darryl White and Singer Deborah Brown 7 PM Love’s Jazz & Art Center, 2510 N 24th St $20
Dirty Dancing Night 7 PM Omaha Ballroom, 5038 S 153rd St
Nic Dean 7:30 PM Funny Bone, 168th & Dodge
Magic: The Gathering Tournament 7:30 PM Game Shoppe, 4014 N 144th St $8 entry fee
Disney's Beauty and the Beast 7:30 PM Omaha Community Playhouse, 6915 Cass St
Gottberg 7:30 PM Bogie’s Bar & Grill, 14334 U st
Midnight MURPH 7:30 PM Crossfit Viral, 3604 N 165th St
Country Road Revival 8 PM Cheeseburger In Paradise, 17304 Davenport St, Ste 100
Kill It with Fire / the Superbytes /Eighth Day Broken/ Stately Wayne Manor 8:30 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $5, 18+
Venaculas 9 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $0.89
American Dischord / HeatWaves / The Ramparts 9 PM Sydney, 5918 Maple St $5, 21+American Dischord / HeatWaves / The Ramparts
Eckophonic 9 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St $8
Reality Something // Dirt House // The Morbs 9 PM Barley Street Tavern, 2735 N 62nd St $5, 21+
Joystick 9 PM Ozone Lounge, 7220 F St
Robby Wicks Band with Time Giants 9 PM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave $7
Rock and Roll Suicide performing ”Are We Not Men?" 9 PM Slowdown, 729 N 14th St $5
Sucettes / BIB / Lazy Wranglers 9 PM Brothers Lounge, 3812 Farnam St $5
Satellite Junction ~ Weird-Air ~ 9:30 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd $5, 21+
Dicey Riley 9:30 PM Dubliner Pub, 1205 Harney St $3

Saturday, May 27

Event Time Location Info
TOTC Kayak Bass Series 5:30 AM Cunningham Lake $20 entry
2017 Annual Walk Against Distracted Driving 8 AM Zorinsky Lake
3rd Annual 5k Walk/Run for Bladder Cancer Awareness 8 AM Chalco Hills Recreation Area
Buffett Cancer Center Open House 9 AM Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, UNMC
Omaha Farmers Market 8 AM Old Market
19th Annual Remembrance Walk 9 AM Millers Landing, 151 Freedom Park Rd
May Food Pantry Day! 9 AM Benson Baptist Food Pantry, 6319 Maple St
Soles for Haiti- Shoe Drive! 9 AM Accepted Christian Church, 14633 Industrial Rd
Star Wars Destiny Store Championship 10 AM Game Shoppe, 4014 N 144th St $15 entry fee
Meet and Greet with our DOGS 11 AM Long Dog, Fat Cat. 16909 Burke St, Bay 126
Food Truck Extravaganza 12 PM Infusion Brewing Company, 6271 S 118th St
Pug Meet & Greet 12 PM Nature Dog, 13366 W Maple Rd
Summer Reading Program Kick-Off 1 PM Omaha Public Libraries across the metro
Interactive Performance/Drumming - Youth Focused 1 PM Benson Branch Library, 6015 Binney St
Golf Tourney/ Customer Appreciation / Casino Fundraiser 1 PM Johnny Goodman Golf Course, 6111 S 99th St
Ramadan: The holy month. 2 PM Islamic Center of Omaha, 3511 N 73rd St
Memorial Day Massive Block Party 4:30 PM Downtown Benson
Omaha Improv Fest 2017 6 PM Dubliner Pub, 1205 Harney St
Vibes Summer Concert Series 6:30 PM Village Pointe Shopping Center
Schools Out Water Balloon Fight! 6:30 PM Deer Park BYOBalloon
The Dollar Brawler 7 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $1
Argentine Tango: Dancing and Social with Viviana and Gustavo 7 PM Hotel RL, 3321 S 72nd St
SunSets Music Series 7 PM Fun-Plex, 7003 Q St $10, 21+
Matt Hackett 7 PM Burrito Envy & Tequila Bar, 6113 Maple St
Omaha Improv Fest 7:30 PM Bourbon Saloon, 311 S 15th St
Seether 7:30 PM Sokol Auditorium and Underground, 2234 S 13th St
Nic Dean 7:30 PM Funny Bone, 168th & Dodge
Toke (NC stoner metal) / Bonghammer / Blackseer / Modern Color 9 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $8, 18+
Trivia Night! 9 PM Julio’s, 2820 S 123rd Ct
Linoma Mashers 9 PM Growler USA, 16274 Evans Plz
The Ramparts // Layden & the Lion // Chaos Revolution Theory 9 PM Barley Street Tavern, 2735 N 62nd St $5, 21+
Nebraska Left Coalition Presents Hardcore/Hip Hop Against Fashys 9:30 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd $5, 21+
Dicey Riley 9:30 PM Dubliner Pub, 1205 Harney St $3

Sunday, May 28

Event Time Location Info
Omaha Farmers Market 9 AM Aksarben Village, 1920 S 67th St
Memorial Day Weekend Ukulele Mass 10 AM Urban Abbey, 1026 Jackson St
Memorial Weekend to Remember 11 AM Zorinsky Lake Park $7
Meet & Greet with Little White Dog Rescue! 1 PM Green Spot, 1110 S 71st St, Ste K
Lindy in the Park 1 PM Stinson Park
Drag Queen BINGO 1 PM FLIXX Lounge & Cabaret, 1015 S 10th St
Magical May Mysterium Match 1 PM Spielbound, 3229 Harney St
Julie Baker Presents Rhythm 'N Broadway 4 PM Living Stage, 3321 72nd St
80s Party 5 PM Fox & Hound, 506 N 120th St
Big East Tournament Day 4 5:30 PM TD Ameritrade Park Baseball
Jon Langford (Mekons, Waco Brothers) ~ The Electroliners 6 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd $5, 21+
Whalers Skate 6:15 PM Motto McLean Ice Arena, 5015 S 45th St
Kyle Harvey CD Release with Brad Hoshaw & Justin Lamoureux 7 PM The Down Under Lounge, 3530 Leavenworth St
Magnolia (Julianne Moore: Selected Work) 7 PM Film Streams, 1340 Mike Fahey St
Nic Dean 7:30 PM Funny Bone, 168th & Dodge
Divas Night w/The Ed Archibald Trio 7:30 PM Omaha Lounge, 1505 Farnam St
The Bloody Lips / Buggy Lewis & TRG / The Tiananmen Squares 8 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $7, 18+
La Arrolladora, Los Huracanes Del Norte, Noel Torres, Revancha 8:30 PM Ralston Arena
2017 Memorial Day Concert Party 9 PM REHAB Lounge & Nightclub, 2615 S 120th St
International night 10 PM Rhythmz Lounge, 10841 Q st 21+
submitted by links234 to Omaha [link] [comments]

The Great California Cycle Way... that never was

In London today an architect is proposing a 136 mile bicycle network above London.
California would be a lot cleaner and more desirable to live in as a navigable city, if this had been completed. Full Link here
The Great California Cycleway opened in Pasadena around July of 1900. (Some sources say 1890, but its creator, Mr. Horace Dobbins didn’t start the Cycleway Company until 1897, and the only photos available of the cycleway date to 1900, likely when it was being shown.)
The California Cycleway was an elevated wooden bicycle highway that was designed to go from Hotel Green in Pasadena down the Arroyo, past Highland Park and into Downtown Los Angeles, ending at the Plaza on Olvera Street. Part of the design was to be a completely uninterrupted path by bridging over obstacles like creeks, roads, train tracks, and maintain only the slightest of grades (no more than 3%) over the 9 miles of smooth wooden track over an elevation of 600 feet. The entire project would have cost an estimated $187,500 at the time, and included a casino called, “Merlemount” to be placed midway in Arroyo Seco Park. (On top of where Debs Park is today??)
submitted by Silkonion_Valley to LosAngeles [link] [comments]

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Stay at this 4.5-star luxury hotel in Bell Gardens. Enjoy free WiFi, 2 restaurants, and 2 bars/lounges. Our guests praise the pool and the helpful staff in our reviews. Popular attractions Commerce Casino and Citadel Outlets are located nearby. Discover genuine guest reviews for The Bicycle Hotel & Casino along with the latest prices and availability – book now. Minutes from Los Angeles, The Bicycle Hotel & Casino features luxurious rooms & suites, exciting poker tournaments & Asian card games, a relaxing spa, outdoor pool and innovative dining experiences. The Bicycle Hotel & Casino, Los Angeles The Bicycle Hotel & Casino, Los Angeles; Important : Cette destination peut avoir des restrictions de voyage liées à la COVID-19 en place, y compris des restrictions propres à l’hébergement. Vérifiez tous les conseils nationaux, locaux et relatifs à la santé pour cette destination avant de réserver. Ignorer fermer le conseil de voyage. Afficher ... Réserver The Bicycle Hotel & Casino, Bell Gardens sur Tripadvisor : consultez les 39 avis de voyageurs, 53 photos, et les meilleures offres pour The Bicycle Hotel & Casino, classé n°1 sur 3 hôtels à Bell Gardens et noté 4 sur 5 sur Tripadvisor. Stayed at the Bicycle while visiting family in Long Beach. This hotel is so immaculate that you feel you could eat off the floors. The casino is organized, clean and very open floor plan. NO SMOKING!! The room was very large, with Keurig, fridge, etc. Large walk in shower. I paid $167 per night and it was a great value. Food at the brew pub was ... 344 reviews of The Bicycle Hotel & Casino "As card rooms go, The Bicycle is one of the better ones in the Los Angeles area. It's expansive, with a huge poker floor, an Asian games section and a courtyard where you can still smoke and gamble at the same time. Parking is relatively easy, with valet parking at the front entrance and self parking in the rear. Avis des clients pour The Bicycle Hotel & Casino et prix des chambres The Bicycle Hotel & Casino . Toutes les meilleures offres sur California • Los Angeles Hotels • The Bicycle Hotel & Casino, Los Angeles The Bicycle Hotel & Casino, Los Angeles, current page. Top Hotel The Bicycle Hotel & Casino 4.5-star property 888 Casino Dr., Bell Gardens, CA 1-855-201-7819. Travelocity Price Guarantee . Travelocity Price Guarantee . You're getting the lowest possible rate We Promise Opens in a new window . Enter your dates to see ... Guide de voyage pour Los Angeles Vols pour Los Angeles Activités à Los Angeles Locations de voiture à The Bicycle Casino Vacances à The Bicycle Casino Californie – Des restrictions de voyage, y compris une mise en quarantaine, pourraient être en place en raison de la COVID-19 dans cette destination. Découvrez The Bicycle Casino à Los Angeles avec les guides d’Expedia! Des infos pratiques sur les principales attractions, des conseils de voyage, d'hébergement et plus encore.

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